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email BIG RAT

Last updated
9 April 2009

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The Professional

Teleplay by
Donald James

Directed by
Leo Eaton

Edited by
Len Cleal

Original UK Airdate:
January 26th, 1969 (ATV Midlands)

"General, I guarantee no man could break my security system."

Joe 90 receives the brain patterns of a burglar - but only to help him
break into an impregnable castle to obtain stolen gold.

*   *   *

A revolution breaks out in a country to which an aid organisation has just given ten million dollars to help with the building of schools and hospitals, and the new dictator begins using the money to manufacture weapons instead.

An appeal is sent to the W.I.N. organisation for help in recovering the money, which is in the form of gold bullion and is sealed in the vault of an impregnable castle.

The only man in England capable of breaking into such a place is a jailbird serving a prison sentence, so his brain pattern is recorded and transferred to Joe 90. Joe and Professor McClaine manage to get across the border into the dictator's country and reach the castle, which is protected by electronic radio-controlled guard vehicles called Spiders. They keep a constant patrol, but Joe uses his newly-transferred skill to cut his way through without being detected, and has a proton lance to help him get to the gold vault.

He is nearly caught, but by burning his way through the vault doors and destroying the alarms as he goes, he gets to the gold. Further dangers imperil him, however, before he can take the gold to safety, and he and Mac face a hail of gunfire as the raging dictator sees his stolen gold taken away from him, speechless with rage at having been outwitted by a nine-year-old boy!

Regular Cast:
Joe, Mac, Sam, Shane
Additional Voice Cast:
General Heppel Jeremy Wilkin
Hugo Waddington Gary Files
Engineer Gary Files
Scientist Keith Alexander
Henry George Summerfield Jeremy Wilkin
Prison Warder Gary Files
1st Guard Gary Files
2nd Guard Jeremy Wilkin

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